Solar Invertors and Charge Controllers

Solar Invertors and Charge Controllers

A solar inverter serves as the BRAIN of a solar power system. It manages and regulates the outflows and inflows of electricity to and from other components like solar panels, batteries, electrical appliances and electrical grid.

The electricity generated by solar panels is called Direct Current (DC) while the electricity provided by electrical grid (like K-Electric) is called Alternating Current (AC). AC is needed to provide power to most electrical and electronics equipment. An inverter converts the DC from solar panels (or batteries) into AC that can be used to power all our appliances and equipment.

In case of Grid-Tied systems, inverter is resposible for synchronizing the solar power with the electrical grid and also to supply the surplus energy to the grid, if required.
In case of Off-Grid and Hybrid systems, where batteries are required, a solar inverter also provides the funtionality of a charge controller. Charge controller, as the name suggests, controls and monitors the charging process, charge levels and health of batteries.

Typical service life of good quality solar inverter is usually 10 years.